I am giving this testimony on behalf of my kid brother who is back home in Nigeria. He has been experiencing some 16 years old stagnation.
We have all been worried about him, and he is himself very depressed that everyone can see it. After last year's Fall revival, I presented his suffering from job instability before God. Whenever he gets employed, within a short while his appointment gets terminated. But since the Fall Revival when we prayed, God started opening series of gainful employment unto him. His name is Adesola, and I am hereby giving this testimony on his behalf.
(Ephraim T.)

I had been experiencing a moving object from my head to my toe for the past 20 years.
Whenever it started, it affects my brain and I would be unconscious. I would start behaving like a mad person. My temper would be high and I would start quarreling with people. Last Sunday, after listening to the message, I went home keying into the word by faith. On getting home, I felt the symptom recurring. So, I quickly went on my knees and proclaimed my victory by the word of the Lord. Since then, I have not felt the movement again!. I thank God for healing me.
(Steve A.)

Prior to joining this church, I often find myself depressed and often thought life was not worth living anymore. But I was greatly comforted by the words the Lord in this church.
I was moved by the Holy Spirit to testify how the Lord started doing new things in my life, and I believe I am now saved and healed from depression. I am thankful to the Lord for enabling me to experience Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. I am grateful for the ministry of this church. And I am grateful for the love of God that radiates here.
(Sandra E.)
This message looks at how to be productive for God while here on earth. We all want to be productive. We all have a desire to grow, to be successful, to make something of ourselves. What that exactly looks like will differ between all of us… But nobody wants to be failure. But most of us don’t have an idea how to do that. Here comes a powerful message from Dr. Johnson Olalekan Omoni to help you.